hi everyone!

This is the first review of a five part series outlining my summer ’17 haul (to read my sneak top short article click here), and the first bag I will be evaluating based on popular demand is the Goyard St. Louis tote which I got from DD. The Goyard St. Louis tote is highly sought after, and unlike numerous other brand (ahem ahem LV) you aren’t likely to spot them out and about as much. This is what really attracted me to the Goyard St. Louis tote because it’s good to have a bag that is undercover luxury. The Goyard St. Louis tote really reminds me of the Louis Vuitton Neverfull, and I like to liken them as cousins that are similar yet very different. The Louis Vuitton Neverfull in the classic monogram print is very in your face – the brand LV’s initials are splattered all over the bag.

The Goyard St. Louis tote on the other hand is much much more demure, and the print is optical-illusion-esque with small logo brand imprints all over. like the Neverfull the Goyard St. Louis is very functional and versatile providing a lot of space, and a neat little pouch on the interior to keep your small stuff in. The bag has gorgeously soft leather finishings. now as a replica bag, I will say that I have not seen numerous good copies of the Goyard St. Louis. There are a lot of mediocre replicas out there but they aren’t made with the same care and typically something about the pattern tends to be off. However, as usual, I purchased a counter quality copy of the bag which implies that these small things are taken into consideration by the producers and this is what make the bag look pretty much identical to the original.

Anyways I will let the pictures speak for themselves (they are worth a thousand words after all), and have a top below to see them for yourself. let me know how good of a fake you think it is and if you can spot anything “off” about the bag in the comments.


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