Christopher Kane Aqua Gel-Filled Clutches, $720 via Neiman Marcus in green or pink

There are plenty of indications that I’ve fallen a little too far down the fashion rabbit hole. The foot-long neon pink feather earrings that I searched out for a month? A telltale sign. My urge to apologize to both friends and strangers for the sensible shoes I’ve been wearing since I hurt my ankle a few weeks ago? another one. but perhaps the most obvious sign yet is that upon viewing the Christopher Kane Aqua Gel-Filled PVC Clutches, my first thought was, “Well, I’d totally carry the pink one.”

Granted, I’ve had five months to get used to the look. Kane debuted ready-to-wear made out of similar gel material at his London runway show during fashion week to somewhat mixed reviews, but I thought then and think now that the construction is pretty damn cool. He’s a young designer and something of a wunderkind, and I appreciate anyone who’s willing to take a chance like this while the pressure of burgeoning fame is on. You don’t get noticed in fashion by following the pack.

At the same time, I can imagine myself enjoying the squishy colored gel inside the clutch and how it would move around and create patterns while being carried, even if the effect is a tad childish. sometimes some weirdness and immaturity is a great thing to have in your closet for a night when you need a little dose of fun. These clutches are for the adventurous (and perhaps slightly brain-damaged) only, but sometimes that’s what makes fashion so great. buy through Net-a-Porter for $720 in green or pink.